To Infertile Women: Why I Call Us Mothers
Don't let anyone make you believe "only a mother can understand." Only a mother can know this depth of love. Only a mother knows how hard it can get. Only a mother...
Or maybe they're right...Maybe mothers do understand things other women don't. But I don't think us infertile ladies fall into that "other women" category. In fact, I say we're in the "mother" category.
Mothers sacrifice for their kiddos.
You make sacrifices for your future kids every day. You quit smoking. You haven't had a drink in months. You gave up sugar. You exercise when you'd rather watch Netflix. Instead of buying vanilla iced cappuccinos, you pay medical bills to find out what's standing between you and your little one. Instead of going on vacation, you pay adoption fees. You keep trying even though some days it feels like it would be easier to quit. You sacrifice for a person you haven't even met yet.
Mothers love their children.
If what you do isn't love, I don't know what is. You put the dream of your kids in front of so much. You try and try despite the heartache because you know your kids will be worth all the painful tests, the waiting, the tighter budgets, the tears. You hope this adoption won't fall through like the last one. You love someone you can't see or touch yet.
My friend, you are a mother. A number of present children doesn't make someone a mother. A woman's heart to be a mother makes her a mother. And you know in your heart that's true, right? If you feel what I feel, the answer is yes.
"As it is written, 'I have made you a father of many nations.' He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not." Romans 4:17
this momma who can't wait to meet her kids.
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